
Sunday Oct 06, 2019
Christian Confusion: The Collision of Grace and Truth
Sunday Oct 06, 2019
Sunday Oct 06, 2019
Jesus calls his followers to love the way he loved. But there’s a tension in the way he loved - it was messy, inconsistent, unfair, and confusing. So, what does it look like to love like Jesus?

Sunday Sep 29, 2019
Christian Confusion: Showing Up
Sunday Sep 29, 2019
Sunday Sep 29, 2019
By the third century, despite incredible persecution and “religious cleansing” by Rome, Christianity had grown into the official religion of Rome. How did such a hated, powerless people become so influential?

Sunday Sep 22, 2019
Christian Confusion: Insiders Outsiders
Sunday Sep 22, 2019
Sunday Sep 22, 2019
When we judge nonbelievers, we lose our influence. Can you imagine where we’d be if we’d never abandoned love as our primary influence? Let’s decide together that we’re going to work to love one another better and we’re going to stop judging outsiders.

Sunday Sep 15, 2019
Christian Confusion: Quitters
Sunday Sep 15, 2019
Sunday Sep 15, 2019
The idea that Christians can be quarrelsome, hostile, and disputatious isn’t surprising. How is it that people—people devoted to Jesus—sometimes feel driven from Christianity? Why are there Christians on all sides of cultural and political issues, arguing with non-believers and fellow Christians alike? Is this really what Jesus intended for his disciples?

Sunday Sep 08, 2019
Christian Confusion: Brand Recognition
Sunday Sep 08, 2019
Sunday Sep 08, 2019
Are we going to be content just being Christians, or are we going to be disciples (followers)? Can you imagine what your workplace and community would be like if you loved the way Jesus calls us to love? Can you imagine what would happen in our nation—in our world—if Christians everywhere began living like disciples? What if for the next three to six months, Christians (you!) committed to love the people around them like Jesus?

Sunday Aug 25, 2019
Sunday Aug 25, 2019
Sunday Aug 25, 2019
We all want to win. After all, winning is better than not winning. In a game a win is defined, but life is not a game. And winning in the most important areas of our lives isn’t always clear. So, how do we win?

Sunday Aug 18, 2019
You Need a Better Name - Guest Speaker TJ Lawson
Sunday Aug 18, 2019
Sunday Aug 18, 2019
Names are powerful. We tend to think it’s just about identification, but we know that isn’t true. There’s something powerful that happens when we learn to carry the right name.

Sunday Aug 11, 2019
Get In The Boat
Sunday Aug 11, 2019
Sunday Aug 11, 2019
Jesus invites us, He won’t force us, but we have no idea what we will miss out on if we don’t get in.

Sunday Aug 04, 2019
The N Commandments: Doubt Not
Sunday Aug 04, 2019
Sunday Aug 04, 2019
Wouldn't it be great to have a faith without doubts? Yet most believers wrestle with doubt at some level. We face circumstances that don’t add up. We see suffering and injustice in the world. Doubt grabs our minds and emotions. We wonder if we’re just making excuses for a God who isn’t really there or, who isn’t there in the way we assumed. Jesus commanded: “Doubt not.” But when he said that, he didn’t mean for us to quit feeling doubtful. One question posed by Jesus has the power to help you move past your doubt.

Sunday Jul 28, 2019
The N Commandments: Judge Not
Sunday Jul 28, 2019
Sunday Jul 28, 2019
Perhaps the most popular commandment among those who don’t follow Jesus is “judge not.” It’s the command Christians are most often accused of violating. It’s also one of the most misunderstood of Jesus’ commands. People size each other up all the time. We all do it. This command from Jesus has the power to change all of your relationships.